Smithsonian Institution houses an extraordinary array of Civil
War artifacts in nearly a dozen of its museums and archives.
They range in interest from personal effectsAbraham
Lincolns black beaver top hatto examples of uniforms
and weapons, some of which were manufactured in the tens of
thousands. Many artifacts, like a sheet of ninety-six Confederate
postage stamps accessioned in 1886, were gifts to the Smithsonian
from the American people. In the case of these stamps, they
were the first items in what became the national philatelic
collection, housed today under its own roof at the Smithsonians
National Postal Museum.
this thumbnail icon for an overview of the contents in each
section. Objects can be accessed individually by clicking
the appropriate images.
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a special feature on selected pages, will access additional
information, including associative images and objects, not
necessarily owned by or in the collections of the Smithsonian