Smithsonian Institution was not yet fifteen years old
when the Civil War began in April 1861. Its physical structure
consisted of a single red sandstone building, designed
like a castle by James Renwick Jr. The building and grounds
occupied an expanse of grassy meadow. To the east lay
the unfinished Capitol, and to the west rose a stub of
stone masonry that, when completed, would be a 555-foot
obelisk to the memory of George Washington. The castle's
towers overlooked the Patent Office building to the north
and the Potomac River to the south. On the opposite bank
lay Virginia. Just up the river on a high majestic hill,
the columned front of Arlington, the home of Robert E.
Lee, overlooked the city. Looking downriver, the rooftops
of Alexandria, the hometown of Washington and Lee, could
be seen distinctly with a pair of binoculars. Compared
to the architecturally staid White House a mile away,
the Smithsonian Castle, with its jutting turrets and spires,
resembled a medieval fortress. |